SKYLINKConnectionFileTransferDelegate Protocol Reference
Conforms to | NSObject |
Declared in | SKYLINKConnection.h |
– connection:didReceiveRequest:peerId:
Upon receiving a file transfer request from a peer.
- (void)connection:(SKYLINKConnection *)connection didReceiveRequest:(NSString *)filename peerId:(NSString *)peerId
connection |
The underlying connection object. |
filename |
The name of the file in request. |
peerId |
The unique id of the peer. |
Declared In
– connection:didReceivePermission:filename:peerId:
Upon receiving a file transfer permission from a peer.
- (void)connection:(SKYLINKConnection *)connection didReceivePermission:(BOOL)isPermitted filename:(NSString *)filename peerId:(NSString *)peerId
connection |
The underlying connection object. |
isPermitted |
Flag to specify whether the request was accepted. |
filename |
The name of the file in request. |
peerId |
The unique id of the peer. |
Declared In
– connection:didDropTransfer:reason:isExplicit:peerId:
When the file being transferred is halted.
- (void)connection:(SKYLINKConnection *)connection didDropTransfer:(NSString *)filename reason:(NSString *)message isExplicit:(BOOL)isExplicit peerId:(NSString *)peerId
connection |
The underlying connection object. |
filename |
The name of the file in request. |
message |
The message specifying reason for the file transfer drop. |
isExplicit |
Flag to specify whether the transfer was halted explicity by the sender. |
peerId |
The unique id of the peer. |
Declared In
– connection:didCompleteTransfer:fileData:peerId:
Upon file transfer completion.
- (void)connection:(SKYLINKConnection *)connection didCompleteTransfer:(NSString *)filename fileData:(NSData *)fileData peerId:(NSString *)peerId
connection |
The underlying connection object. |
filename |
The name of the file in request. |
fileData |
NSData object holding the data transferred. |
peerId |
The unique id of the peer. |
Declared In