SKYLINKConnectionRemotePeerDelegate Protocol Reference
Conforms to | NSObject |
Declared in | SKYLINKConnection.h |
– connection:didJoinPeer:mediaProperties:peerId:
When a remote peer joins the room.
- (void)connection:(SKYLINKConnection *)connection didJoinPeer:(id)userInfo mediaProperties:(SKYLINKPeerMediaProperties *)pmProperties peerId:(NSString *)peerId
connection |
The underlying connection object. |
userInfo |
User defined information. May be an NSString, NSDictionary or NSArray. |
pmProperties |
An object defining peer media properties of the joining peer. |
peerId |
The unique id of the joining peer. |
Declared In
– connection:didRenderPeerVideo:peerId:
Upon receiving a remote video stream.
- (void)connection:(SKYLINKConnection *)connection didRenderPeerVideo:(UIView *)peerVideoView peerId:(NSString *)peerId
connection |
The underlying connection object. |
peerVideoView |
The video view of the joining peer. |
peerId |
The unique id of the peer. |
Declared In
– connection:didReceiveUserInfo:peerId:
Upon receiving an update about a user info.
- (void)connection:(SKYLINKConnection *)connection didReceiveUserInfo:(id)userInfo peerId:(NSString *)peerId
connection |
The underlying connection object. |
userInfo |
User defined information. May be an NSString, NSDictionary or NSArray. |
peerId |
The unique id of the peer. |
Declared In
– connection:didLeavePeerWithMessage:peerId:
When a peer has left the room implictly or explicitly.
- (void)connection:(SKYLINKConnection *)connection didLeavePeerWithMessage:(NSString *)errorMessage peerId:(NSString *)peerId
connection |
The underlying connection object. |
errorMessage |
Error message in case the peer is left due to some error. |
peerId |
The unique id of the leaving peer. |
Declared In